Sophia Hai


Sophia is a junior majoring in Human Biology and minoring in Health Care Studies and Performing Arts Studies at the University of Southern California. After graduating, she hopes to complete a Master of Public Health through USC's Progressive Degree Program, before matriculating into medical school.

Sophia has been in USC AMWA for two years. She joined because she was looking to form a community that could provide her with a supportive network throughout her premedical journey. Sophia loves AMWA because she has met so many amazing people that she continues to be empowered by and learns from every day. They inspired her to take on the role of President-Elect for the national AMWA organization.

Outside of USC activities, Sophia loves singing and music. At the moment, her favorite artists are SZA, Kehlani, and Ariana Grande.

For incoming members, Sophia advises you to get involved as much as you can! There are so many networking, professional growth, and leadership opportunities both through our chapter and through the national organization.

This year, as USC AMWA’s National Coordinator, Sophia hopes to encourage all members not to “be a stranger if you see [her] around campus!” She would love to chat!