Lillie Eckstein


Lillie is a junior at the University of Southern California majoring in Neuroscience, and is currently serving as the President of AMWA USC. After graduating, she plans on taking a gap year then applying to medical school. During her gap year, she wants to travel and work in her research lab. Her top two locations to visit are Italy and Greece! Ultimately, she aims to become a neurosurgeon or neurologist and is also very interested in neurodegenerative and addiction research. 

Lillie has been in USC AMWA for three years. Coming into college, Lillie wanted to find a community that was supportive of her dreams and who she is as a person. She found this community in AMWA. For Lillie, AMWA supports every type of woman in medicine and opens its arms to everyone’s differences. Some aspects of AMWA she loves is its network and the opportunities available for every goal. “I especially love the smart and cool women I have met because of AMWA!”

Other than AMWA, Lillie spends most of her time in her research lab, where she studies strokes and collaborates with others in finding new treatments for brain injury. She also works as a crisis textline counselor and is taking an EMS course to become an EMT. Some of Lillie’s hobbies include art, and she spent the summer painting wall decor for her new apartment.

For incoming members, she advises you to make time for things you love! College and especially pre-med can be stressful, but it gets easier when you do things that interest yourself, not what your resume 'needs'.

This year, because Lillie is so passionate about AMWA and the community its organization provides, she hopes to share this passion with many new women in medicine!